

Publish date:

11 May 2023


As much as we love our extensions, wigs and weaves - it is vital that we are taking the steps to care for the hair that we grow ourselves! Did you know that if we are lacking nutrients, one of the first places it shows is our hair? Of course, most of us want to achieve shiny, glossy hair - by maintaining a healthy diet we can ensure we are getting the necessary nutrients that promote hair growth, but this isn’t always so easy to do! That's why the use of additional supplements can help to boost our immune system and help us maintain healthy locks.

Interesting facts and figures about supplements:

  • The market size, measured by revenue, of the Vitamin & Supplement Manufacturing industry is £1.5bn in 2022.
  • Usage of Vitamin D has risen 8 percentage points in the last 12 months* (2020)
  • 81% of retail shoppers conduct online research before they decide what they want to buy. Consumers are now self-prescribing beauty-enhancing powders, pills, and even teas that target their aesthetic objectives.
  • There was a 106 percent rise in searches for ingestibles from last year and a 44 percent increase in supplements formulated with mood and beauty-boosting benefits.

Image credit: Healthline

Here, we breakdown some supplement essentials you can start taking for hair health.

Vitamin D - Vitamin D plays a key role in hair and skin maintenance. Vitamin D deficiency has also been directly associated with hair loss. Most vitamin D is produced when UV rays from sunlight come into contact with your skin, with many of us living in areas where there is a lack of sun, no wonder many people are deficient. To support this, a study was conducted on women aged between 18 and 45 which found that low levels of vitamin D2 were associated with two common types of hair loss.

B Vitamins - There are eight different B vitamins, each with their own important functions in your body. A key one for hair health is B12. B12 helps produce red blood cells, having enough of this vitamin is essential to the hair growth process.

Vitamin C - Vitamin C is another great supplement essential for promoting healthy hair. It helps build collagen, which is so important for hair growth. This vitamin also plays a role in absorbing iron, which keeps our locks strong and healthy. Women lose iron through blood loss during their menstrual cycle so it will be a great supplement to have for your general health.

Zinc - Zinc plays an essential role in making proteins in your hair and other cells. Your body can’t naturally produce it so you can get it from things you consume and also supplements. Did you know that a key sign that you have low zinc levels is hair loss?

Biotin - Biotin is one of the B complex vitamins that help the body convert food into energy. For many people Biotin is said to have stimulate hair growth due to its role in keratin synthesis. Increasing your intake of biotin may help make your hair stronger and more resistant to falling out.

In conclusion, it would definitely be worth adding a few essential supplements to your diet if you’re looking to both increase your overall health and focus on growing and maintaining healthy hair. The use of supplements of course shouldn’t be the main way to get your nutrients. It is vital to start with the food and drinks you consume! If you have any queries about what supplements would be best for you, it would be best to talk to a nutritionist or doctor as well as doing some research for yourself.

We hope this breakdown of some key supplements have been helpful! We wish you all the best of luck with your hair growth journeys - don’t forget to share this article with anyone who will find it useful!